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Risk Entity Database System

REDScheck is a closed system for associations and their members to collaborate sensitive information on entities which pose a potential risk towards their operations.


REDScheck is a central point of reference for various listed Entity Types deemed necessary to protect an Association and its Members. REDScheck allows participating Organisations to screen prospective Entities in order to manage their risk prior to undertaking any further relations.


The REDScheck platform allows for multiple industry related associations and their members to collaborate their sensitive data on a single platform. Members that are associated with other associations that run on the platform may then access data across several databases or more, so long as they are an approved member of the association in question.


REDScheck employs strict security measures when it comes to accessing data on the system. For this, data is only accessible through a Search Key. The Key is valid for a period of 2 hours which will allow the current logged in user to perform functions for that limited time only. Keys are not interchangeable between users and can therefore not be copied or circulated to other users. This strengthens the access to the information, as data is only accessible through a valid Search Key.


All aspects on the REDScheck system are fully audited.
Auditing is most profound when it comes to Data and the user's access to that Data. REDScheck keeps full audits on what Search Parameters were used and the Search Results that are rendered to the user at the time of the Search. Thus not leaving any stoned unturned.

User Permissions

Access to REDScheck ranges from Association Administrators to simple Basic user that are allowed to lodge Enquiries.
Administrators have the ability to manage their own users and their permissions when acting on behalf of their Organisation.


REDalert Solutions works closely with its associate software development company Sense.
Sense designed and developed our REDScheck Solution Platform using the OmniCore Framework to provide a robust technology solution as a basis for REDScheck.


The REDScheck platform is replicated across two Servers every 10min.
This means in the event of a Server failure we are able to reinstate the system in less than an hour.
REDalert also has a contingency plan in place in the event that connectivity from our data centre is interrupted. As we have offsite redundancy servers that will allow for a continuation of services in the event of communication links going down.


The REDScheck platform is backed up every hour, with backups residing in both On-site and Off-site locations, ready for analysis or redeployment in the event of a contingency plan being executed.

API Integration

REDScheck boasts an API plugin, allowing Organisations to programmatically lodge enquiries within the various database systems. This feature streamlines an Organisations business flow when making descisions relating to further engagement with listed and non-listed Entities.